Download Link of QOTOM Mini PC Drivers

2018-05-13 16:38:47 5305
Our Dropbox has been locked, all Dropbox drownolad link you can find on this website or Amazon store are unavailable. Hereby provide another download link

1. I37C4 Download

2. Q100N / Q100S / Q210S  Download 

3. Q180N / Q180S / Q180P / Q190N / Q190S / Q190P/ Q190G4U/ Q190G4N  Download 

4. Q150S / Q150P Download

5. Q310P / Q310G4 / Q355G4  Download

6. T4005P / T4200P / T4500P / T4005U / T4200U / T4258U / T4005C / T4200C / T4500UN Download

7. T5005UN / T5200UN / T5500UN Download

8. Network card Download

9. Wireless card Download

Please note:

1. With 2GB RAM, you have to choose 32 bit OS; With 4GB / 8GB RAM, it is better to choose 64 bit OS. 

2. All Mini PC with Bay trail J1800/ J1900 or 4th/5th generation Intel Core processor don't support Windows XP OS.

3. The drivers of Linux OS have been integrated into the operating system, so there is no Linux drivers download link.

4. Any questions or requirements, please contact us. If you have bought products from our Aliexpress or Amazon store, please provide the order number or product link. 

Mini PC