1. Download windows11 iso https://www.microsoft.com/software-download/windows11 2. Download rufus-3.18p.exe https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/releases/download/v3.18/rufus-3.18p.exe 3.
2024/07/12 155
Test contentTime taken to power up the Q203xxG9 seriesTest platform C3758RVendorModuleChipSizeSpeedSocketFirst timeSecondaryMicronMTA8ATF51264HZ-2G1A1 4GB 1RX8 PC4-2133P-SA0-10Micron4G2133sodimm
2024/06/08 279
1.Download the tool Rufus.https://rufus.ie/zh/http://www.qotom.us/download/Tools/rufus-4.1p.exeOpen the tool, selection parameters based on below screenshot, and start making the USB-Stick of refresh
2024/01/17 3889
Caution: The motherboard cannot be force to break off or power off before completed the BIOS refresh, otherwise it will be unable to work and must be returned to factory for repair. Plug the USB-
2019/01/15 10482
Plug the U disk into the USB port of computer, refer to below screenshot. Click to the right button of mouse and choose option“Format”. Please refer to below screenshot, file system-“FAT32 (
2019/01/15 4379
DriverPack will install drivers for free and solve driver problems on any device
2018/06/01 1739
Drivers are an essential element on your system. If you don’t have them properly installed of if they’re outdated, you’re more likely to suffer continuous computer crashes. I still remember those good
2018/05/13 1313